SKY CITY – Federal Street


Located in the heart of Auckland City, Federal Street is the gateway to Skycity, the five star Skycity Grand Hotel and the Sky Tower. It is also home to a mix of some of the highest quality bars and restaurants in Auckland.

Whilst respecting the traditions and long experience that underly and temper even the latest research, Steintec strive to stay at the front of new technology. If there is a difference we can lay claim to, it is quality.

Continued product development in response to the changing demands of the industry; increasing traffic loads, new types of paving elements, new cleaning regimes.

Steintec – Tradition – Innovation – Evolution in modular pavement construction.

steintec paving mortars for modular pavements shared spaces

Sky City Federal Street

steintec paving mortars

Sky City Federal Street

Sky City Federal Street


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