Tag: 360 Urban
Crowne Plaza Auckland

Steintec provides the challenging solution with granite setts installed over a waterproofed suspended concrete slab receiving vehicular loading, buses included, to the Crowne Plaza entrance redevelopment complying to key performance criteria of BS7533-10. Engineering design considerations requiring high performance.
Cashel Mall Christchurch Re:Start

Marshalls Mistral Silver Grey and Charcoal textured modular pavers including Steintec Paving Mortars feature in the rebirth of Christchurch’s new central city retail precinct. Prepare for a funky, modern, uber cool shopping precinct unlike anywhere else to be established in the central city. The old Cashel Mall is the location for the Re:Start project and is […]
Aggrok Waitikiri Subdivision

Aggrok™ is a unique tuffglass™ stabilised aggregate with a commitment to sustainability. Specifically developed to provide an organic solution for modern urban landscapes, with its natural aesthetic, aggrok is ideal for footpaths, pedestrian or recreational areas, parks and reserves, botanical gardens, trails and permeable surfaces around trees or any environment where a natural feel is […]
Wynyard Quarter Auckland

The Auckland Waterfront has come alive after revitalisation of Wynyard Quarter, a 36-hectare area of reclaimed land stretching from the eastern side of Viaduct Harbour to the Western Wall facing the Westhaven marina and previously known as the tank farm. The Shared Spacers include : Wynyard Crossing – an opening bridge accommodating pedestrian and cycling access between […]
Jean Batten Shared Space

Jean Batten Place is another shared space located in the commercial heart of Auckland City and provides a thoroughfare between Shortland and Fort Street. The “Shared Space” road is a throw back concept in which pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles are equals in using a road space. A major characteristic of a street designed to this […]