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Bedding Mortar Consumption Calculation



This information is to assist with calculating the amount of mortar required for bedding, bonding and grouting.




Kerry Evans
technical director

If you have a project that you'd like to discuss, please feel free to email or call me.

0800 360 urban

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The calculation for bedding mortar is straightforward and may be assessed on the basis of a conversion factor of 1.8 (if not applying a factor for waste) or 2.0 (if allowing nominal 10% waste).

Using a Conversion Factor of 1.8 - 2.0 the following simple rule can be applied:
30 mm deep bedding requires 56 - 60 kg / m²
40 mm deep bedding requires 72 - 80 kg / m²
other depths pro rata.

A useful method, if assuming 10% waste, is to multiply the depth of the bedding mortar in millimetres by 2, to arrive at the consumption in kg/m²

Priming Mortar Consumption Calculation

Jointing Mortar Consumption Calculation


Method Statements



Kerry Evans
technical director

If you have a project that you'd like to discuss, please feel free to email or call me.

0800 360 urban

Useful links


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